Friday, September 12, 2014

It can only go up from here

It's been a while yes. I'm still Jenny and I still do things...BUT  a lot has happened.

 I got another dog. Her name is LuLu and she is CRAZY.
She has real issues. To start, she hates strangers. We can't even go out for walks because she will bark at anything and everything that moves. She also has separation anxiety which also results in endless barking. Overall, she's pretty handicapped in dog standards but I love is what it is.

I'm also engaged! I can't believe I finally managed to trick someone into marring me.

and I stand true to my words...I'm not doing those pinterest stuff. I love my fiancĂ© and I adore his family so I look forward to the rest of my life. 

Growing up is a weird feeling. I feel like I've not grown since I've left high school and I'm still in that "young and irresponsible" phase. However, almost everyone I knew from high school is married, getting married, having kids, or having a kick ass career. Then there's me....never truly independent, been in school all my life, and mooching off my parents. Ugh I'm one of those losers who still lives in their parents' basement but minus the basement.

It can only go up from here

It's been a while yes. I'm still Jenny and I still do things...BUT  a lot has happened.  I got another dog. Her name is LuLu and s...