Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lack of updates on "Jenny does things" because Jenny hasn't been doing anything

 A friend of mine had a layover at Osaka airport and during the short amount of time he had between exchanging his boarding pass and redirecting his luggage, he managed to buy souvenirs. He said all he had time for was to dash into the store, grab whatever he saw on display, and pay. He didn't even know what he bought.

Upon further inspection, one is chestnut mochi and the other is strawberry daifuku. The packaging is so pretty I felt like I was destroying art by opening it.

It was super sweet and really soft. I didn't have the heart to open the daifuku yet...maybe another day~

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Angry rant: currect way of birthing a baby?

My favorite blogger Xiaxue just posted her birthing video and I am truly grateful because it offered me an insight on non-natural birth. 

There's such a high value placed on natural birth and recently years, water birth and at home birth are becoming increasing popular. All of these "back to nature" pseudo science crap has been giving me anxiety for years. 

I was causally googling alternatives to natural birth for women with high labor anxieties and almost punched out my laptop because I was so angry. All the women who reply say something like "Just do natural, it's so much better for the baby. I'm only 5'3 and I gave birth to my 8 pound baby with NO painkillers". Everyone mentioned that they didn't take any painkillers...like good for you? You're a GOOD mom because you suffered. Your baby's health is contingent on the degree of pain you experienced. Your kid will grow up with a higher IQ because it was a natural born baby. Them c-section babies automatically get IQ points deducted because they didn't get squeezed out of a birth canal.

Xiaxue herself had a c-section and was on laughing gas. The birth of her baby was easy and smooth; most of all it was pretty painless. However, the comments asking her why she didn't have a natural birth was overwhelming. Why does she have to EXPLAIN her choices? 

Because she did her makeup for that day, people also called her vain. One commenter even said "it's the one day that it's okay to look like a mess". What the serious hell?! Not only is the woman SUPPOSE to suffer, but she has to LOOK like she suffered? And somehow it is not okay to look like a mess any other time in her life?!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I realize that there are real and serious differences between the two choices but the issue isn't in the process itself but in how these options are perceived. One is deemed a great and noble sacrifice and the other, a cowardly act of selfishness. This needs to change.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Not so warm

The sun was out and it's already the middle of May. My room was uncomfortably warm and stuffy so I thought It must be nice outside today! Maybe even nice enough to sit on outside at a restaurant and enjoy patio weather?

No of course not. It was like three degrees outside =_____= So we had to sit inside the dark dinning room of Jack Astors. Whatever, I went there for the sweet potato fries anyways.

I love their sweet potato fries. They're light and sweet on the inside and crispy on the outside with just a little bit of sea salt dusted. I don't care for the dipping sauce though...it's some kind of ranch I think.

The calamari wasn't that good this time. The batter was kind of falling off.

I really want to sit outside next time >__<

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Good morning

This morning started gloomy and stuffy thanks to an upcoming storm. I stopped by Tim Hortons to grab breakfast and before I even entered the building, my morning got a little bit brighter.

I grabbed the door for the lady behind me and she tried to hold the next door for me while a guy coming out held it for the both of us. It was like a round of door roulette .

I couldn't help but laugh and say "how Canadian of us" and the guy smiled and said "exactly". This minute of silly politeness probably brightened all our mornings.

maple oatmeal with steeped tea and a hash brown 

It can only go up from here

It's been a while yes. I'm still Jenny and I still do things...BUT  a lot has happened.  I got another dog. Her name is LuLu and s...